CattleMax Integrations
Get more out of CattleMax by integration with your organizations and equipment
Electronic ID / RFID Readers
Electronic Identification (EID) is gaining popularity has more producers are realizing the benefits of the additional ID method. Some buyers and marketing programs will pay a premium for cattle with an EID tag, so it’s certainly worth considering for your herd. Learn more about ear tags and electronic ID and how these come together with the CattleMax software.
Digital Weigh Scales
Weighing cattle provides a way to track how well an animal is growing. Low growth, especially as compared to others near the same age, can indicate a possible problem such as nutrition, environmental conditions or genetic concerns. In addition, many producers sell their cattle by-the-pound, so you need to know if your cattle are on track for their target weight. Learn how cattle scales work with CattleMax so you can capture the weights electronically.
Breed Associations
For registered cattle breeders, an interface with your breed association can help you save time and effort while maintaining the details needed to register cattle. CattleMax has integrations with a variety of cattle breed associations to make data transfer and exchange easier for you.
TagMax Mobile App
Designed for iPhones, iPads, and Android mobile devices, TagMax was created to give cattle producers the ability to leverage the power of their Electronic ID readers and Weigh Scales to quickly and accurately collect data in the field. Collect data from the field in working group sessions or scan EIDs realtime to look up animals in your CattleMax account.
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