Compared to Cattle Spreadsheets

Does CattleMax work better than spreadsheets?

Cattle spreadsheets can help collect data but are limiting in terms of organized records, ease of understanding by others, and generating reports and lists. Learn how to switch from columns and rows of data (and maybe even multiple tabs) to organized and easy-to-use CattleMax cattle software.

Spreadsheets limit the power of your data

Spreadsheets can be useful for simple data collection but when it comes to record keeping, they have some disadvantages. A spreadsheet can quickly become complicated when the sheet grows beyond a few columns. Formatting a spreadsheet can be cumbersome and time consuming. Utilizing formulas can be a challenge, especially with little to no experience. Keeping your spreadsheet on a PC makes it harder to access records, especially in the field. Spreadsheets do not allow you to easily compare multi-year data.

"First of all, the functionality of CattleMax is just amazing. There's just so many things going on in CattleMax that I could probably do in a spreadsheet but I would have so many sub spreadsheets that I would have to keep track of and try to tie in together, it just wouldn't be appropriate."

Howard Davis
Howard Davis
San Jacinto Ranch, LLC
Breed Association Interfaces

Make the Switch to CattleMax Today!

CattleMax is the trusted record keeping solution for thousands of cattle producers in over 70 different countries! With so many features, tools, and abilities, CattleMax is sure to our perform even the most advanced spreadsheet system. Click to links below to see how CattleMax could make a difference in your operation.

Make the Switch to CattleMax Today!