Compared to Paper Records and Cow Cards

Does CattleMax work better than paper records?

Paper cattle records can be handy and helpful in limited conditions, but they are scattered across multiple places, hard for others to understand (especially handwritten notes), tough to organize, and even more difficult to evaluate cattle and generate needed information. Learn how to switch from notebooks and paper to the all-in-one CattleMax herd software solution.

Keeping records on paper is ineffective and risky>

A notebook or slip of paper can be a handy tool when it comes to record keeping. Paper has its place, but keeping your entire operations records in single notebook or file that could easily be lost or destroyed is a risk most cannot take. Paper records limit your record keeping capabilities. A notebook only allows records to be updated by a single person in a single place.

"We used to use spiral notebooks before we had CattleMax, and it sure is hard to go back through and look up a specific number. We have it (a notebook), you can do it, but instead of using CattleMax for 30 seconds, it will take you 3 hours to find that one number you're looking for in last years notebook."

Billl Cawley
Bill Cawley
Stalwart Ranches
Keeping records on paper is ineffective and risky

Make the Switch to CattleMax Today!

CattleMax is the trusted record keeping solution for thousands of cattle producers in over 70 different countries! With so many features, tools, and abilities, CattleMax is sure to our perform even the most advanced spreadsheet system. Click to links below to see how CattleMax could make a difference in your operation. 

Switch to CattleMax Today