Cattle Breeding and Pregnancy Records
All of your cattle reproduction records in one place
Storing reproduction records in CattleMax will allow you to see the big picture of your operations breedings and pregnancies. From animal timelines to breeding soundness exams, CattleMax has a place for all of your reproduction records.

Complete service, AI, and ET breeding records
CattleMax uses your breeding data to automatically keep up with the cow's current breeding status, estimated calving date, and manage active and inactive breedings.

Records pasture exposures in just a few clicks
Complete service, AI, and ET breeding records
Record natural service and AI breedings in a spreadsheet-style view
Medication Detail
Efficient and intelligent tracking of pregnancy checks
Using CattleMax makes tracking pregnancies, individual or group, easier than ever before.

Records pasture exposures in just a few clicks
As you enter pregnancy check results, CattleMax uses this information to intelligently determine estimated calving dates for your cows, even for pasture exposures.
Automatically calculated due dates
When you enter a breeding record into CattleMax, the due date for that animal is automatically calculated for your convenience and future reminders.
Record pregnancy results as a group
The Pregnancy Checking screen shows a list of all exposed females, which can also be filtered down to only include cows in a certain pasture, group, or date range. Simply select the cows to update and fill in the pregnancy check results.
Record and track heat cycles
CattleMax allows you to track heat cycles and record details like heat score, time and date, and any additional notes you may have. Estimated heat cycles are then calculated based on the initial cycle.
Powerful semen and embryo inventory
Keep track of your semen and embryo inventory to know exactly what you have when breeding season comes around.
Semen Inventory
Track semen inventory of owned bulls as well as non-owned bulls, including location, collection code, purchase details, and sales. Easily view semen by bull or by tank/location.
Flush History and Embryo Inventory
Record flushes and resulting embryos, add purchased embryos, and track financial details and sales. CattleMax automatically links each step of the way from flush to embryo to recipient to calf.