Manage and track pregnancy check records with ease
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CattleMax offers a commercial plan and a registered plan. The commercial plan is ideal for tracking production and performance records. The registered plan is better fit for seedstock/registered operations to track EPDs, record pedigrees, and interface with breed associations.
CattleMax is web-based, so you can access your records on any device or computer that has an internet connection, including iPhones, iPads, Androids, and more. It’s as easy as checking a website!
From Breed Association – CattleMax has interfaces with many cattle breed associations (Registered Cattle plans). Some include the ability to download a copy of your registered cattle records into CattleMax. Here’s how.
From Another System – If you have records in a previous version of CattleMax or from another software program, be sure to wait to hear from us about your records being imported before making any changes in CattleMax.
Bulk Add – The Bulk Add process is a great way to indicate the same information for a group of cattle. Simply type or copy-paste a list of IDs (such as ear tag), choose values that the animals share (such as breed, owner, pasture, etc.), and those records are quickly added! Here’s how.
Spreadsheet Import – Quickly and easily import animal details and records using the Spreadsheet Import process. Whether you have just basic inventory records or have multiple record areas, you can save time and effort while having all of your records in one location. Here’s how.