Breed Association Integrations Made Easy
Breed Interface Updates: Gelbvieh, Aberdeen and Beefmaster

As a CattleMax registered plan customer and member of your breed association, you can save time and effort using the Breed Interfaces feature.
Maintain production records, generate reports for management decisions and print pedigree ads for buyers. By integrating with breed associations, CattleMax enables you to use a cattle record management solution while benefiting from the association with cattle registrations, downloading EPDs, submitting and receiving data electronically and more.
CattleMax is proud to introduce two new breed association interfaces: Gelbvieh and Aberdeen
With these integrations, breeders can import herd inventories, generate registration files for calves, and Gelbvieh breeders can also import their EPDs.
American Gelbvieh Association
See how CattleMax works for American Gelbvieh producers.
American Aberdeen Association

See how CattleMax works for American Aberdeen producers.
Beefmaster Breeders United

BBU has made changes to their registration system. The CattleMax interface has been updated to handle changes related to submitting registration data from CattleMax to the BBU. See how CattleMax works for Beefmaster producers.
Interested in learning more about how our Breed Interfaces work? Learn more here.
We hope you find these new updates helpful. As always, we welcome feedback and suggestions.